In connection with the use from May 25, 2018. Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46 / EC (General Data Protection Regulation) , hereinafter the GDPR (OJ L 119, 4.5.2016), Kajlingua Jagiera Language School, 10245 Berlin, Simplonstr. 59, in accordance with art. 13 GDPR informs that:
1. Personal Data Administrator. The administrator of Personal Data is Aleksandra Jagiera, who runs a business as Kajlingua Jagiera Language School, 10245 Berlin, Simplonstr. 59, as well as websites at, (social media: instagram) Contact with the Personal Data Administrator:
Kajlingua Jagiera Language School
Simplonstr. 59, 10245 Berlin
tel. 01794285416
2. Source of obtaining personal data. We have obtained your personal data directly from you on the basis of your consent or as a result of performing an agreement between Kajlingua and you.
3. The legal basis and the purpose of processing personal data, as well as legitimate interests pursued by the Administrator The legal basis for processing personal data from May 25, 2018. is art. 6 clause 1 lit. a) – c) and f) GDPR. The purpose of personal data processing varies due to the belonging of the data subject to at least one of the following groups:
2 a. customers, course participants, their legal representatives or guardians – personal data is processed as necessary to perform the contract concluded with Kajlingua, send Kajlingua offer, Kajlingua marketing activity, send the so-called newsletter, organizations made available for voluntary participation in marketing and promotional campaigns, competitions, possible debt collection, handling complaints, payments, as well as tax and accounting activities required by law.
b. people who provided their e-mail addresses in the application form – the processing of personal data is carried out solely for the purpose of sending the so- called newsletter, enrollment in the course, including sending Kajlingua offer, Kajlingua marketing activity through the newsletter.
c. people who provided their personal data in the form in connection with the online registration for the conclusion of the contract with Kajlingua – the processing of personal data is carried out as necessary to conclude and perform the contract with Kajlingua, contact to conclude the contract or amend it, sending Kajlingua offers, Kajlingua marketing activities, sending so-called newsletter.
d. people who provided their personal data in the form as a result of registration on the website at – the processing of personal data is carried out as necessary to publish messages, send Kajlingua offers, Kajlingua marketing activities, send the so-called newsletter, organizations made available for voluntary participation in marketing and promotional campaigns, competitions, as well as tax
and accounting activities required by law.
Notwithstanding the above, personal data in each of the above-mentioned groups are processed in order to fulfill the legal obligations incumbent on the Administrator, conduct statistical analyzes, archiving and ensure accountability (demonstration of compliance with obligations arising from legal provisions).
4. Recipients of personal data.
Due to the way in which business is conducted, personal data may be entrusted for processing to external entities selected with the utmost care in the form of subcontractors or entities providing IT, hosting, consulting, certification, examining, accounting, payment, legal, postal and courier services to Kajlingua, and it is based on separately concluded contracts, in which the above entities are required to ensure data security required by the provisions of the GDPR. The recipient of personal data of the client, trainee, participant, listener in the performance of the contract by Kajlingua concluded for the client, trainee, participant, listener by a third subject, will also be in accordance with the concluded contract.
5. Rights in connection with data processing.
Pursuant to the GDPR, any person whose data is processed has the right to request from the Administrator in relation to data that apply to him:
• access to this data,
• rectification of this data
6. The period of storage of personal data.
Your personal data is stored by:
• the duration of the contract concluded with Kajlingua, as well as after its termination for the purpose of pursuing claims in connection with the performance of the contract, performance of obligations arising from legal provisions, including in particular tax and accounting, statistical and archiving,
• the period required in special cases by law,
• a period enabling the implementation of the so-called accountability, i.e. the proof of compliance with the provisions on the processing of personal data by Kajlingua and documenting compliance with legal requirements and enabling public authorities to check their compliance.
7. Automating data processing and profiling, the nature of the requirement to provide data and the consequences of not providing it.
Your personal data may be processed in an automated manner, including in the form of profiling, however, it will not have any legal effects on you or similarly significantly affect your situation. Profiling of personal data may involve the processing of your data (also in an automated manner) by using it to evaluate certain information about the person to whom it relates, in particular to analyze or forecast personal preferences and interests. The requirement to provide personal data is, as a rule, contractual and voluntary, except where the obligation could result from mandatory provisions of law. Providing the required personal data for the purposes of the conclusion and performance of the contract is a condition for the conclusion and performance of the contract, the effect of not providing it will be the inability to conclude and properly implement the contract with Kajlingua.
8. Others.To the extent that the processing of data would take place for the purposes in accordance with this information, depending on the belonging of the data subject to at least one of the above mentioned groups of people whose data is processed, and for a purpose other than the purpose
for which the data have been collected so far, this information constitutes the implementation of the Administrator's obligation to provide information on current purposes of data processing within the meaning of art. 13 section 3 GDPR.
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